Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 37 - Perrysburg to Norwalk

Raining as I left Sue's house this morning - but not hard enough for the rain jacket.

I decide to get back on Highway 20 to get to Elmore. Word is that there is a shoulder, good pavement, and hopefully minimal traffic at 7:00. And there are no good alternatives without lots of circumnavigation.

Highway 20 redeems herself. The ride to Elmore is great - a combination of rural and suburban sights. Great shoulder to ride on, and truck traffic not a problem.

22 miles to Elmore where I jump off to try a new concept - a rail trail.

Pics of Elmore below - yes, another nice town and the Red, White, and Brew coffee shop is great.

Jump on the bike path for some 25 miles thru Fremont and into Clyde. It's a nice alternative. Great pavement; no traffic; ride along farm fields and thru some small towns. See some very overweight and elderly people riding adult tricycles - seems like a good option for them to at least get some exercise.

Back on Hwy 20 at Clyde for a no-hassle finish into Norwalk.

A somewhat uneventful day with a nice ride. And I am re-thinking my road selection out of OH and into NY - Hwy 20 is back in the mix !

A couple of thoughts from the saddle:
1. I think it must be Illegal for dogs to ride in the cabs of trucks in OR, ID, WY, and NE. And the preferred dog safety restraint seems to be a spare tire for them to sit in for stability on sharp turns.

2. A non-scientific conclusion among a few of us who have shared 'secrets of the road' is that recent chafing is caused by a part of the anatomy getting smaller. No, not that part (but it's smaller too !!). Our butts. So our riding shorts are moving around more, thus requiring additional attention so as to stay healthy and comfortable. Love that Chamois Butt'r Cream.

3. How many times do you have to ask about directions to make sure you have the right answer? Minimum of 3!! And that's if all 3 people are locals with intimate knowledge of the vicinity.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same experience with my shorts but with vaseline it still works.
