Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 21 - Harrison to Gordon

Hmmmm - seems that life in the Plains is turned upside down: Nebraska in July; cool enough for a shell for the first 30 miles; no sunglasses needed until noon; wind out of the East.

First 30 is really great. Lush, green cattle ranches out of Harrison; nice drop into the valley to Fort Robinson, and on to Crawford. All of today's pictures are from that segment. Elevation drop of 1000' feet over first 30 miles.

Fort Robinson State Park looks great - camping, kayaking, restored military buildings, a playhouse and more. Really attractive.

Many signs along the way to the Nebraska State Forest !! I need to update my geography skills.

Stop in Chadron to find a bakery. Since there is a state college in Chadron, there must be a good bakery. Yes - nice hour long stop at the 1/2 way mark. They have a copy of the NY Times !!

A woman at the bakery has done an Inn to Inn tour in VT - she can't remember what tour company it was, but she loves VT and ME.

The wind velocity to Chadron has been manageable; leaving Chadron at 11:30, the velocity has really picked up.

Ride from Chadron to Hay Springs is 20 miles; to Rushville, 36. I decide to take a break at Rushville, and then 15 miles to Gordon.

At Rushville I meet a thru-biker from Ireland. He is going East to West, has good winds in NE, but had ferocious Westerly winds in PA and OH.

I'm 15 miles from end of day at 3:00; he is planning on getting to Lusk, WY today - 115 miles to the West !!! Is that even possible?

My strategy is to be on the road at 6:15 AM; his strategy is to ride into the evening darkness.

Another miracle !! Ask a woman at the motel about eating options; she is from Gordon, now lives in Arkansas, and is back in town with her mother for a visit.

I eat at the Antelope Creek Cafe; she and her mother come in to the restaurant 15 minutes later. When I go to pay my bill, it has already been paid - by a perfect stranger. And she tried to keep it anonymous. Unbelievable.

One additional piece of evidence of the greatness of humanity - we all need to play it forward !!

Off to Valentine tomorrow - last 90 mile day. Need to really ride smart since there are some good hills to tackle - and then slow the pace after Valentine.

I really like the top view picture of the coal cars - you've probably guessed that I am quite enamored with the trains.

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