Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 32 - East Troy to Milwaukee

It started raining / thundering in East Troy about 6:00 PM on Wednesday night and continued all thru the night. Great for lawns, gardens, and crops.

Overcast in the morning, with rain and more thunderstorms predicted.

First, though, is the kind of B&B breakfast I could get used to ( see pic ).

Anxious about protection from thunderstorms, I ride hard the first 25 miles to get to the urban landscape so I'll have a place to seek shelter if needed.

The next 10 miles into Milwaukee is urban riding with lots of traffic lights. Takes twice as much time.

No rain - no storms !!

Traffic in the city seems surprisingly light.

As I ride thru the neighborhoods of Milwaukee I'm reminded that I haven't done my Kegels in at least a month !!!

Why would you name a restaurant the Kegel Inn???

Check in, and then a little later ride thru Brady Street neighborhood, Third Ward, and the Lake Michigan bike path. Impressed by Milwaukee. Wasn't sure what to expect, but it seems like a great city - new condo high-rises over the lake, museums, lots of summer events. Nice city - seems to be growing.

Short ride today - it's nice to hang out and relax. Six miles to the ferry dock in the morning and hopefully a sunny day for the ride across Lake Michigan.


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