Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 29 - Waterloo to Peosta

This is the Post for Monday, 7/16.

Out of Waterloo about 7:00 - and you know it is going to be another scorcher.

The road is flat heading out of Waterloo until you clear the 'burbs and head back into corn and soybean country.

I'm doing County Roads again, and with new Route 20 picking up the load, there is minimal truck traffic.

Two observations. First is the sense that I have left behind the heavy duty agricultural countryside and the economy is becoming more diverse. There are newer subdivisions in every town I ride thru today. I assume the diversity is still agriculturally oriented.

The second is that the towns are larger and closer together; seem more vibrant.

As I approach Manchester I stop to ask a biker some questions about the county roads, and after a brief conversation about biking and bike trips she changes her route and rides with me back into Manchester to a really great coffee shop. The woman at the coffee shop says that two thru-riders were in her shop a week ago, and as they headed out of town an older woman hit them with her car !! Just what I need to hear.

I get to Dyersville about 12:30, hot but not too tired, and make reservations at Peosta - 16 miles closer to Dubuque.

Since I'm quite anxious about dealing with Dubuque traffic and the bridges over the Mississippi, this feels good.

Karen Ridings (Seattle friend from 1986 - 87) and her husband Jim meet me in Peosta for a drink - mine's free thanks to Rachel Weber at the Trackside Tavern - and it's great to catch up from that magical year in Seattle.

One pic today - scenery just like yesterday's all day. I do like those corn storage hoppers!!


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